Coláiste Bríde
Guidance and Counselling Service
Welcome to Coláiste Bríde Guidance and Counselling Service.
Miss McDonald
Guidance in Second Level Schools
Guidance in schools refers to a range of learning experiences provided in a developmental sequence, that assist students to develop self-management skills which will lead to effective choices and decisions about their lives.
It encompasses the three separate, but interlinked, areas of:
Counselling in Second Level Schools
Counselling is a key part of the school guidance programme, offered on an individual or group basis as part of a developmental learning process and at moments of personal crisis.
Counselling has as its objective the empowerment of students so that they can make decisions, solve problems, address behavioural issues, develop coping strategies and resolve difficulties they may be experiencing.
Counselling in schools may include personal counselling, educational counselling, career counselling or combinations of these.
The Aims of Guidance and Counselling
The guidance and counselling process aims to help students to develop an awareness and acceptance of their talents and abilities; to explore possibilities and opportunities; to grow in independence and to take responsibility for themselves; to make informed choices about their lives and to follow through on those choices.
The Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Counsellor in Coláiste Bríde is Ms. Aisling Mc Donald.
The Work of the Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Counsellor is involved in guidance and counselling related activities such as:
Making an Appointment with the Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Department operates an open door policy. Students can request an appointment by meeting with the Guidance Counsellor at any stage throughout the course of the school day.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to contact the Guidance Counsellor at 053 9234245 to discuss matters in relation to their daughter or to arrange an appointment.
Guidance Library
Students may borrow prospectuses and information from the guidance library on request.
Guidance Noticeboard
Students are encouraged to keep a close eye on the guidance noticeboard, located in the link corridor outside Room 40.
Useful Guidance Websites
Guidance in schools refers to a range of learning experiences provided in a developmental sequence, that assist students to develop self-management skills which will lead to effective choices and decisions about their lives.
It encompasses the three separate, but interlinked, areas of:
- Personal and social development
- Educational guidance
- Career guidance.
Counselling in Second Level Schools
Counselling is a key part of the school guidance programme, offered on an individual or group basis as part of a developmental learning process and at moments of personal crisis.
Counselling has as its objective the empowerment of students so that they can make decisions, solve problems, address behavioural issues, develop coping strategies and resolve difficulties they may be experiencing.
Counselling in schools may include personal counselling, educational counselling, career counselling or combinations of these.
The Aims of Guidance and Counselling
The guidance and counselling process aims to help students to develop an awareness and acceptance of their talents and abilities; to explore possibilities and opportunities; to grow in independence and to take responsibility for themselves; to make informed choices about their lives and to follow through on those choices.
The Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Counsellor in Coláiste Bríde is Ms. Aisling Mc Donald.
The Work of the Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Counsellor is involved in guidance and counselling related activities such as:
- Planning and delivering the school Guidance Programme – The Guidance Counsellor has primary responsibility for the delivery of the school’s Guidance Programme, but a whole school approach is essential to realise this objective.
- Providing one-to-one personal, educational and career counselling.
- Teaching guidance classes at Junior and Senior Cycle.
- Assisting students in the transition from (a) Primary to Secondary school (b) Junior Cycle to Senior Cycle (c) Second Level to Higher/Further Education/training and employment.
- Organising trips to career events (e.g. Higher Options)
- Assessment using psychometric instruments and inventories, to link student’s aptitudes and interests to career options (e.g. DATs)
- Vocational guidance interviews
- Promoting research and ICT skills, so that students can be self-directed in their career exploration and development (e.g. Qualifax, CareersPortal)
- Study skills
- Subject choice for the Junior Cycle
- Subject choice for the Senior Cycle
- Supporting students in choosing subject levels appropriate to their educational abilities.
- Senior Cycle Programme Options (e.g. TY, Leaving Certificate Established, LCVP)
- Third Level application procedures (e.g. CAO, UCAS)
- Further Education application procedures (e.g. PLC)
- Third Level Access Programmes (e.g. HEAR and DARE)
- Third Level Outreach Programmes (e.g. Shadowing Days, Leaving Certificate revision workshops)
- Organising guest speakers (e.g. Third Level Colleges and Further Education Colleges)
- Providing information on grants (e.g. SUSI) and scholarships.
- Interview preparation
- Liaising with management, Student Support Team, subject teachers, Year Heads, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator/Learning Support, etc.
- Dealing with internal student referrals (e.g. from Year Heads) and external student referrals to outside agencies (e.g. NEPS)
- Tracking the destination of past pupils.
- Presenting Parent Information Evenings (e.g. CAO, Junior Cycle Subject Choice, Senior Cycle Subject Choice)
- Attending Parent Teacher Meetings, etc.
Making an Appointment with the Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Department operates an open door policy. Students can request an appointment by meeting with the Guidance Counsellor at any stage throughout the course of the school day.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to contact the Guidance Counsellor at 053 9234245 to discuss matters in relation to their daughter or to arrange an appointment.
Guidance Library
Students may borrow prospectuses and information from the guidance library on request.
Guidance Noticeboard
Students are encouraged to keep a close eye on the guidance noticeboard, located in the link corridor outside Room 40.
Useful Guidance Websites