London Trip 2015
By Aine O'Donohoe
After a very early wake up and a long bus ride our group boarded our plane headed to London. Upon arriving in London we dropped our luggage off at the hotel before heading straight for the Tower of London. This is a historic tower is one of London’s most famous landmarks. It is home to the Crown Jewels, Sir Walter Raleigh’s prison cell, the Bloody Tower, the Cathedral of St. John, and the Royal Armoires. The sun was shining and with the beautiful view of the tower and gardens it couldn’t have been better. From there it was on to The Victoria and Albert Museum. This Museum was a fabulous art and design museum and a world renowned treasure house with a diverse collection. Here we were allowed to wander around and take in the beauty of the exhibits at our own pace. At this point we were all fairly hungry so we went to have dinner at Pizza Express. After this, with full stomachs, we headed to the West End to see Wicked in the Apollo Victoria Theatre. With catchy tunes, dramatic acting and a fantastical story it was a show ont to be missed. The next morning we had breakfast and then it was a quick coach ride to our three hour long guided tour of London. Our guides took us to see many of the cities, s most wonderful sights such as the houses of Parliament, Big Ben, The Tower Bridge, Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus. Unfortunately we got caught in the rain so we could only make one stop on our tour. Buckingham Palace. The damp weasther did nothing to dampen our spirits and we were all excitd to be there. After that we went on to visit the Imperial war museum. This museum contained a vat collection of material relaiting to the Great war. There was everything from planes and vehicles to cvlothes and bomb bunkers. They had a special exhibit on the holocost there at the time which described the suffering of the jewish population during World War II. From here we went o to have our evening meal at Garfunkles Restarunt. We spent the rest of the night relaxing in the hotel. On our final day in London we had a quick breakfast before heading out to visit the Science Museum which had exhibits outlining the history of the development of science and industry from veteran cars, trains, and airplanes to the exploration of space and the development of computers. During our exploring we found an activity centre on the last floor that brought out the more competitive side of our group. We had aliitle extra time so we made a quick stop off at the Natural history Museum that contained specimens of animals from all around the world. After this we went on a small shopping trip to westfield shopping cebntre before heading to the final stop on our journey. The airport. From here we said goodbye to London as we boarded our plane home. This trip was a fabulous experience for everyone. We learned so much over those three days and though it was short we all gained memories that will last us a lifetime |