Gaisce - The President's Award
Gaisce is Ireland's National Challenge Award for young people. It is the country's most prestigious and respected individual Award programme. It is a challenge from the President of Ireland to the young people of Ireland. Gaisce Mission Statement “To contribute to the development of all young people through the achievement of personal challenges” |
Gaisce works on the basis of a personal challenge set by the young person. You will set your own challenge and agree it with a President's Award Leader (PAL). You won't be competing with other participants, as each challenge is completely individual. So the only person you will compete with is yourself.
Students begin the President’s challenge when they are 15. We usually begin Gaisce in Transition Year as this is a year when students have the time to dedicate to a progamme such as Gaisce outside of school hours. As it is a completely voluntary programme, students decide on and complete their challenge in their own time!
re to edit.Students must dedicate a minimum of 13 hours at each area of the challenge. There are three areas within the challenge; Community Involvement, a Personal Skill and a Physical Recreation. One of these areas must be continued for an additional 13 weeks e.g. you might choose to do 13 weeks of your Community Involvement, 13 weeks of a Personal Skill and 26 weeks of a Physical Recreation. In addition to these three areas, students partake in an Adventure hike/cycle. Coláiste Bríde have been travelling to the Wicklow Mountains for the last number of years where we stay for 2/3 nights in a youth hostel, cooking our own meals and hiking for 30/50kms.
The first challenge is called the Bronze Award. After which you may continue on to achieve the Silver and then the Gold Award. All of this must be completed before the age of 25!
Below you will find an example of the Bronze Award.
A minimum of 1 hour a week is required in each of the first 3 challenge areas i.e. Community Involvement, Personal Skill and Physical Recreation.
In the example below the participant uses the additional hours in the Physical Recreation challenge
Students begin the President’s challenge when they are 15. We usually begin Gaisce in Transition Year as this is a year when students have the time to dedicate to a progamme such as Gaisce outside of school hours. As it is a completely voluntary programme, students decide on and complete their challenge in their own time!
re to edit.Students must dedicate a minimum of 13 hours at each area of the challenge. There are three areas within the challenge; Community Involvement, a Personal Skill and a Physical Recreation. One of these areas must be continued for an additional 13 weeks e.g. you might choose to do 13 weeks of your Community Involvement, 13 weeks of a Personal Skill and 26 weeks of a Physical Recreation. In addition to these three areas, students partake in an Adventure hike/cycle. Coláiste Bríde have been travelling to the Wicklow Mountains for the last number of years where we stay for 2/3 nights in a youth hostel, cooking our own meals and hiking for 30/50kms.
The first challenge is called the Bronze Award. After which you may continue on to achieve the Silver and then the Gold Award. All of this must be completed before the age of 25!
Below you will find an example of the Bronze Award.
A minimum of 1 hour a week is required in each of the first 3 challenge areas i.e. Community Involvement, Personal Skill and Physical Recreation.
In the example below the participant uses the additional hours in the Physical Recreation challenge
Bronze medalists receive their award at the Coláiste Bríde Awards Night in May of each year. Silver Medalist receive their award at a cermony in Trinity College the following November. Gold medalists receive their award, from the President, at a special cermony upon completion of their programme.
Coláiste Bríde have had a number of students complete the President’s Award to Gold Level. These include students fundraising for various charities, going to Africa to help the Niall Mellon Township Trust build houses, teaching children in orphanages, and learning skills such as Tae Kwon Do, rowing and foreign languages.
For more information please visit www.gaisce.ie
Coláiste Bríde have had a number of students complete the President’s Award to Gold Level. These include students fundraising for various charities, going to Africa to help the Niall Mellon Township Trust build houses, teaching children in orphanages, and learning skills such as Tae Kwon Do, rowing and foreign languages.
For more information please visit www.gaisce.ie